- Basking in the sun
- Floating on an air mattress observing the clouds drifting by,
- Being at one with yourself and the universe
- Swimming to build endurance
- Canoeing in the moonlight
- Kayaking to a beach for a romantic picnic
- Water skiing and wake boarding, some even do it barefoot!
- Tubing down the Kettle River on a lazy August day
- Renting a floating patio, fishing boat or motor boat.

Adventure challenges begin in a variety of areas . . .
Horseback riding at Owl Mountain Ranch, located near the Cascade/Laurier Border crossing, book ahead at owlmountainranch@msn.com.
Flatwater and whitewater kayaking on your own or with WildWays Adventure Sports and Tours at www.wildways.com
Hiking trails abound here.
Cycle or hike from Rossland to Christina Lake on the Dewdney Trail or old Cascade Hwy. Follow the lazy Christina Creek Trail and identify many bird species.