Health section for 2025 with regard to Covid-19 and RSV and any other virus and bacterial diseases.
Guests will be asked to keep to their family groupings or bubbles, and wear masks where it is appropriate. Handwashing is encouraged, each room/suite has its own bathroom and soap, water and towel. Guests must bring their own masks and have their own hand sanitizer in their cars. There are hand sanitizer stations on the lower deck, lower floor and main floor.
There is a safety barrier of plexiglass on the kitchen counter. There are “No go Zones”:-private spaces NOT for guests. We use antiviral (ie. Covid-19) approved cleaners, and have hepa filters in the vacuums. High touch surfaces are cleaned with approved disinfectants for viruses and bacteria. Top deck tables and chairs are spaced 6-9 feet apart for family groupings if need be. Extra amenities have been removed from the rooms. Rooms are aired weather permitting.
Guest’s must practise social distancing bring their own masks and PPE, in the event of any viral outbreak or bacterial outbreak. Guests are NOT allowed to bring their own bedding from home, or fans, or clean their rooms with their own products and they are not allowed to spray any aerosols, perfumes, hair sprays or air fresheners in the rooms.
Pets are not allowed! Smoking, vaping, and e-cigarettes are not allowed!
Guests are screened before coming to stay and must be healthy for 21 days before coming to stay. Covid-19 status must be disclosed for each guest, and Covid-19 safety practices must be disclosed for each guest that they practice at home and at work. Places of work may be asked to be disclosed as well as other question to determine health safety. Disclosure of vaccine status for Covid-19 and RSV and other viral or bacterial infections will continue to be mandatory.
Waivers will need to be signed and a registration form for the CDC may need to be signed: this may become mandatory.
Guests from out of country will only be permitted if they are triple vaccinated for Covid-19 and vaccinated for other diseases and meet any other health requirements for health safety as determined by the owner. Potential guests from out of country & from a place with high incidence of Covid-19 or any other virulent disease may be denied a reservation.
There will be no admittance to unregistered guests. These Health regulations for the Sunflower Inn B&B may change or be added to through the year without notice.
Sincerely, Kathleen. Sunflower Inn B&B, Christina Lake, BC